The Herwig-Lascar Property of Groups


题目: The Herwig-Lascar Property of Groups

报告人: Su GaoNankai University

摘要: Herwig and Lascar, in their celebrated paper of 1992, proved the EPPA for some general classes of structures by showing that finitely generated free groups have certain combinatorial property. We call this property the Herwig-Lascar property (HL-property for short) and explore further results. For instance, we show that the HL-property is closed under free products. We also establish explicit equivalences between the HL-property of groups and extensions of structures on which the group acts. As an application, we prove that the automorphism group of any Henson graph contains a dense locally finite subgroup that is isomorphic to Hall's group. This is joint work with Mahmood Etedadialiabadi, François Le Maître, and Julien Melleray.



地点Mingde Building B201


报告人简介:  Su Gao is University Chair Professor at Nankai University. He received his M.S. at the Chern Institute at Nankai University (1992), and his doctoral degree at California Institute of Technology (1998). Before 2021, he served at the University of North Texas successively as Regents Professor, Chair of the Department of Mathematics, and Founding Dean of College of Science.

     His main research interests lie in mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics. He has made achievements in topological groups, symbolic and topological dynamical systems, ergodic theory, as well as major breakthroughs in descriptive set theory.

   His works appear in Inventions Mathematicae, Advances in Mathematics, Memoirs AMS, and Transactions AMS and authoritative journals in logic such as Journal of Symbolic Logic, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, and Annals of Pure and Applied Logic.

   He is editorial board member for Chinese Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Chinese Dictionary of Mathematics, Science China Mathematics, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, and Mathematical Logic Quarterly.

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