Noncommutative Analysis Day


In this noncommutative analysis day, we have invited 6 experts who are working in the "noncommutative" subjects to report their recent important and interesting progress. 

Time: 13 July, 2018,  Place: 522 Gewu Building, IASM


8:30--9:30  Nico Spronk, Waterloo University

Topologies, idempotents and ideals

9:30--10:30 Tao Mei, Baylor University

Hilbert transforms, old and new stories

10:30-10:45 Tea Break

10:45-11:45 Hunhee Lee, Seoul National University

Weighted Fourier algebras and their spectrum

14:30--15:30 Junghee Ryu, National University of Singapore

Negative quasiprobability in an operational way

15:30--16:30 Lin Zhang (张林)Hangzhou Dianzi University

Duistermaat-Heckman measure and mixture of adjoint orbits of quantum states

16:30--16:45 Tea Break

16:45--17:45 Yu Yang (杨宇)Chongqing Technology and Business University

On Positive Partial Transpose Squared Conjecture

Abstract: Abstract.pdf

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