A superficial introduction to Lafforgue's excursion operators


Speaker: Wenwei Li

Institution: Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Title: A superficial introduction to Lafforgue's excursion operators

Time: 2017.08.09  16:00

Location: Room 522, Gewu Building

Abstract:In a recent groundbreaking work, V. Lafforgue introduced the excursion operators on the space of cusp forms for a connected reductive group G over a global field of positive characteristic. These operators are defined via the geometry of the moduli space of G-chtoucas with r paws. Using this together with other innovations, he deduced the automorphic to Galois direction of the global Langlands conjecture over function fields. In this talk, or a reading report in disguise, I will try to give a very brief introduction to this circle of ideas.

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