Recent Progress on Neumann Problems in Homogenization of Systems of Elasticity


Speaker: Liang Song

Institution: Sun Yat-Sen University

Title: Recent Progress on Neumann Problems in Homogenization of Systems of Elasticity

Time: 2017.08.06. 09:55-10:40

Location: Room 503, Gewu Building

Abstract: This talk concerns with a family of elliptic systems of linear elasticity with rapidly oscillating periodic coefficients, arising in the theory of homogenization. We establish uniform optimal regularity estimates for solutions of Neumann problems in a bounded Lipschitz domain with $L^2$ boundary data. The proof relies on a boundary Korn inequality for solutions of systems of linear elasticity, a large-scale Rellich estimate obtained by Shen and some techniques of harmonic analysis. This is a joint work with Jun Geng and Zhongwei Shen.

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